Flynn, R. (2017, July 12). Ireland. Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom.
Media and Politics play an ever-present role in today's world. Our job here at, Politics and Media Around the World, is to bring current and up to date stories and information from how media and politics are perceived and used throughout the different continents, countries and cultures to bring a well-rounded view of how politics and media are uniquely used to capture attention and an audience.
Flynn, R. (2017, July 12). Ireland. Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom.
Throughout the blogs, it has been clear to see that no matter what region of the world, mass media plays a crucial role in the overall level of democracy and political and social freedom that a state and its citizens have. The role of media is to provide the public with an informed, nonbiased stance on what is taking place within and outside of the country both politically and socially in order to hold the government and politicians accountable to their behavior and actions. This week, we will be covering the relationship that the media and politics have within China, which is a very interesting case as it is a state that has continuously struggled to upkeep human rights and freedoms for their over 1.41 billion population.
China has been known to be rather restrictive of what its citizens can and cannot see on social media, as well as what they can and cannot post. For the most part, absolutely everything is monitored by the government in order to mitigate and restrict what the people see, post, and share with others. By monitoring such behavior, the government is able to regulate what information gets out to the public in order to mitigate the spread of harmful news and knowledge of mistreatment and honesty. Throughout China, the government is extremely involved in the media and knows exactly what the public will see and hear in order to cater it to their likings and their benefits. The public is subject to only seeing one side of things typically due to the lack in different opinions and views in fear of discipline and criminal charges.
Studies have shown that the people who do get involved in media and interact with one another, "increases people's public issue involvement and thus their internal political efficacy," that has the ability to create genuine change throughout the population (Han). By people becoming informed to the realities of their situation and surroundings, more people will be able to spread the news and grow their bravery to possibly speak up against what is right versus wrong. China's population is the second largest in the world and if angered enough by the lack of transparency and continuous violations of human rights by the government, could I'm sure create quite some change if enough citizens gather to speak out. It is rather disheartening to see the continuous struggles that the media and politics have with one another throughout China and how unfair and biased it all is; however, hopefully in the years to come there will be some positive change as technology continues to increase in usage.
Han, R. (2024, September 13). How social media use affects internal political efficacy in China: The mediating effects of social network interaction. Nature News.
Mohan, J. (2022, November 16). Media bias and democracy in india • stimson center. Stimson Center.
Our blog has covered this topic before as we discussed how the world views the United States when it comes to the 2024 Presidential Election; however, as the election continues to approach and is just a day away now, I find it to be important to readdress this discussion as different nations concerns continue to rise. While every Presidential Election has a certain level of impact on the world's economy and relationships with other countries, this election seems to be exceptionally important in the overall place that America will have in the international sphere. As the world watches on the edge of their seat, other countries are waiting eagerly to determine how they will all be individually impacted by the decision of who will be elected. While as the writer, I am younger and have not experienced most of the Presidential Elections that have taken place in this country, I can say that this appears to be one of the most polarized elections to take place, at least in a very long time. Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are taking such complete opposite sides on seemingly every single matter of importance, which has the power to shift how America views and handles so many dire topics moving forward depending on who is elected.
As the election continues to approach, "experts in African, Asian, European, and Latin American politics," assemble in order, "to share ideas with one another and the audience," surrounding the importance of the election and how it could impact the US's relationship with other countries and how it will impact the world economically and socially as well (Daniel). This election will directly and indirectly impact how the United States approaches the war in Russia and Ukraine, the war and violence taking place in the Middle East between Israel, Palestine, and a growing number of other Middle Eastern states such as Lebanon and Iran. This election will also drastically impact tariffs and how the United States builds or breaks down relationships with longstanding international partners and states that we have had tensions within the past. All of these factors are drastically more important and imperative than many people realize as the world is continuously growing in globalism. Globalism creates an interconnected relationship between so many states that must rely on one another to keep everything flowing.
This ever-growing increase in globalism is very important as states must work together to create the most efficient relationship that works to boost all the countries involved and create strong, interconnected relationships and bonds. Other states are concerned regarding this election as they have seen in the past when Trump was elected in 2016 that he pulled out of several treaties and pacts that left a lot of states shocked as the United States is such a powerful, present nation typically. This also made us appear less reliable as states were wearier to work with us as we had previously pulled out so quickly with no sympathy or care as to how it would impact them or our reputation. As the United States finds out the winner of this election, the rest of the world will be standing close by waiting just as eagerly and cautiously as it will determine so much of how the world and nations will interact with one another moving forward.
Daniel, B. (2024, October 17). How is the world watching the 2024 US election?. MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
There is no doubt about it that the UK has taken part in housing many of the world's greatest news and media outlets, the BBC being just one of them. The United Kingdom has a rich history in news reporting and have had news outlets that have been very reliable and nonbiased in times of need. The UK is extremely open when it comes to the reporting of news and the media is, "free and able to report on all aspects of British life," (BBC). The citizens of the UK also have a, "variety of publications," that reflect, "the full spectrum of political opinion," that allows for citizens to hear several different points of view and thoughts on matters (BBC). The ability for news companies to be able to publish openly and freely as they please are very important and stands strong throughout the United Kingdom.
There are, "hundreds of privately-owned radio and TV stations," that, "compete with the BBC for listeners and viewers," creating a fierce competition to provide the best news coverage as possible (BBC). In addition to radio and TV stations, a majority of UK citizens are online in some way, shape, or form. As of July 2022, "there were 65 million internet users," within the UK, which is a drastic, "95% of the population," (BBC). On top of those numbers, as of February 2022, over, "84%," of the UK's population were active on social media (BBC). This large percentage of people actively online allows for a freer and more often flow of news and information as people are able to read and send anything they would like to others.
There was one instance back in 2012, where a new system was recommended that emphasized self-regulation for the press after there was a hacking scandal. While many politicians agreed to create a system that would distribute large fines and enforce for newspapers to publish any corrections, the industry objected it overall as they felt that it, "would give politicians too much power," (BBC). This goes to show though that the media and news outlets do have power and say apart from the government and politics in order to hold one another accountable and to share proper facts and news findings. The BBC is one of the world's most reliable news outlets and is, "Britain's most popular online news destination," which speaks volume to the pride and trust that UK citizens have in the news outlet as well as the rest of the world (BBC). It is great to see that the United Kingdom is holding standards high as to the freedom of press and speech and that its citizens have such freedom to gather any and all information to be able to openly share it as well.
BBC. (2023a, May 22). United Kingdom Media Guide. BBC News.
Recent blogs have mostly reflected more reserved and restricted countries and regions throughout the world when it comes to media usage and its relationship to politics; however, this week we are going to take a shift and look at the relationship that Italy has between media and politics. Italy has an interesting relationship between the two as, "Italian press is highly regionalized, reflecting Italy's strongly regional history and character" (BBC). Italy has a rich past of the majority of newspapers and news channels being privately-owned, which often creates an uneven and unfair partnership between the two as news is supposed to be there to hold the government and politicians accountable and to spread factual information; however, when privately owned they are for the majority, "linked to a political party or run by a large media group," that compromises the authenticity of news by sharing biases and targeted articles in favor of one party over another (BBC).
While Italy's media certainly covers all sides of the story and provides helpful information to its citizens, "Italy's heady blend of politics and media has sometimes led to concerns about the concentration of media ownership in the hands of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi," (BBC). This is very interesting as often times, a former Prime Minister or any politician privately owning news outlets is not the most promising for an open and democratic relationship between media and politics. When someone in power also owns media outlets, they often have a say and can dictate what is produced and shared with the public, and more times than not they will make sure it favors themselves to make them look good. Berlusconi's company, Mediaset, "owns Italy's top private TV stations, and the public broadcaster, Rai," which have typically been, "subject to political influence," (BBC). By Berlusconi having ownership of such media outlets, " he was able to exert tight control over both public and private broadcasting," which drastically counteracts the purpose of media to inform the public in a nonbiased, factual manner.
Within Italy, just a few companies have a vast dominance over the TV market which has the ability to be used as a, "powerful political tool," as approximately, "80% of the population is said to rely on the TV for daily news (BBC). This large percentage of people who gain their knowledge from the TV coupled with the monopolized mass media broadcasting throughout the state creates an interesting dynamic that walks an extremely fine line between the media being able to provide to the citizens what it is truly supposed to deliver on. People will have to stay vigilant to these statistics as they consume a lot of the news in Italy in order fact check and make sure that the coverage they are receiving is honest and not in favor of the person or group that owns that certain news outlet. This is certainly a very interesting find as it has the ability to turn into a state that spreads false information without the ability to be fact checked or balanced out as the majority of media and news outlets are privately owned.
BBC. (2023, July 3). Italy Media Guide. BBC News.,figures%20are%20low%20compared%20to%20other%20European%20countries.
Okocha, D. O., & Dapoet, B. A. (1970, January 1). Mass Media and Politics in Africa: A Qualitative Appraisal. SpringerLink.
Ireland has a very interesting dynamic when it comes to mass media and politics. Due to their smaller stature and population, the scal...