Monday, November 4, 2024

How the World Views the 2024 US Presidential Elections Part II


    Our blog has covered this topic before as we discussed how the world views the United States when it comes to the 2024 Presidential Election; however, as the election continues to approach and is just a day away now, I find it to be important to readdress this discussion as different nations concerns continue to rise. While every Presidential Election has a certain level of impact on the world's economy and relationships with other countries, this election seems to be exceptionally important in the overall place that America will have in the international sphere. As the world watches on the edge of their seat, other countries are waiting eagerly to determine how they will all be individually impacted by the decision of who will be elected. While as the writer, I am younger and have not experienced most of the Presidential Elections that have taken place in this country, I can say that this appears to be one of the most polarized elections to take place, at least in a very long time. Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are taking such complete opposite sides on seemingly every single matter of importance, which has the power to shift how America views and handles so many dire topics moving forward depending on who is elected.

    As the election continues to approach, "experts in African, Asian, European, and Latin American politics," assemble in order, "to share ideas with one another and the audience," surrounding the importance of the election and how it could impact the US's relationship with other countries and how it will impact the world economically and socially as well (Daniel). This election will directly and indirectly impact how the United States approaches the war in Russia and Ukraine, the war and violence taking place in the Middle East between Israel, Palestine, and a growing number of other Middle Eastern states such as Lebanon and Iran. This election will also drastically impact tariffs and how the United States builds or breaks down relationships with longstanding international partners and states that we have had tensions within the past. All of these factors are drastically more important and imperative than many people realize as the world is continuously growing in globalism. Globalism creates an interconnected relationship between so many states that must rely on one another to keep everything flowing.

    This ever-growing increase in globalism is very important as states must work together to create the most efficient relationship that works to boost all the countries involved and create strong, interconnected relationships and bonds. Other states are concerned regarding this election as they have seen in the past when Trump was elected in 2016 that he pulled out of several treaties and pacts that left a lot of states shocked as the United States is such a powerful, present nation typically. This also made us appear less reliable as states were wearier to work with us as we had previously pulled out so quickly with no sympathy or care as to how it would impact them or our reputation. As the United States finds out the winner of this election, the rest of the world will be standing close by waiting just as eagerly and cautiously as it will determine so much of how the world and nations will interact with one another moving forward.

Daniel, B. (2024, October 17). How is the world watching the 2024 US election?. MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah,
    One portion of your post that really caught my attention was when you talked about how this election will directly and indirectly effect US involvement in conflicts going on in the world (as this is what my blog is based off of). You mentioned the growing of globalism, how long, if at all possible, do you think it will take for the world to be fully connected? I could see an argument that because of social media and smart phones we are practically there, but maybe some countries do not want to be involved such as North Korea.


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