Monday, September 2, 2024

Morocco's Embrace of Sustainable Eco-Tourism


    This week we will be diving into and discussing an article released by AfricaNews that covers the growing eco-tourism within Morocco and how they are choosing to embrace it in order to promote sustainability and to create an experience that realigns tourists with the land. Eco-tourism places an emphasis on different activities and excursions that promote education, reduce harmful tourist activities, support conservation efforts and encourage visitors to get in touch with the natural side of the environment and to truly learn about the culture and region that they are visiting. Morocco's tourism Minister, Fatim-Zahra Ammor, made an announcement back in June that sustainability is of the upmost importance and that the country will be focusing greatly on increasing the sustainability throughout the tourism sector. This could be seen as, "Morocco received 17.6 million tourists," throughout the first half of June, with "ecotourism accounting for 5%," of that number (AfricaNews). A large portion of such eco-tourism takes place in the Agafay region, where one of the region's first eco-tourism projects first stemmed. The hotel is called the Kasbah Agafay Hotel and Spa and places an emphasis on sustainability and an all natural experience. The hotel focuses heavily on allowing the guests and tourists to soak in the local culture and beauty of Morocco in a way that gives back to not only themselves, but to Morocco as well.
    The hotel was first created and built sustainably by Abdessalam Damoussi and opened to the public in the year 2000. The hotel provides experiences and excursions that highlight the natural beauty that Morocco has to offer. Tourists can take camel or horse back riding through the desert, go on various hikes, in addition to all organic and natural cooking classes that allow the visitors to pick their vegetables by hand from the garden before learning how to prepare them. These activities allow for tourists to ground themselves and enjoy the simpler things in life while also giving back to Morocco by providing tourism without the increase in excessive gas emissions, over consumption and littering that often comes when copious amounts of tourists visit a place. Eco-tourism allows for the pride and culture of a nation to stay intact, allowing the tourists to visit and truly appreciate the place that they are visiting and the people and culture that make it up. 

    Eco-tourism is an incredible movement that I hope to see spread to more nations and regions throughout the world. It is extremely important as interconnectedness continues to grow and people continue to travel to new and farther places, that we as a civilization focus on the true beauty and nature of such places and understand the importance of maintaining such beauty. Eco-tourism provides a sustainable and practical way for tourists to see the true culture of a nation while also not disrupting any of it. It allows people to simply observe and experience without harming the environment or the culture. I feel that this is an extremely important topic that more nations should be focusing on and investing in and I'm so glad that Morocco has chosen to report on the benefits that eco-tourism has and their hopes for implementing it further as time goes on.

AfricaNews. (2024, September 2). Morocco embraces eco-tourism for sustainability and increased yield. Africanews.

1 comment:

  1. Morocco growing its international tourist and tourism portfolio is absolutely amazing to see. There are so many countries that consist of beautiful landscapes that the rest of the world never gets to witness. With the continue growth, Morocco certainly will become a top tourist destination with views one would have to see to believe. Plus with more innovation into ecotourism they can really improve social and economic system. More money to put into local projects for women, men, and children of all ages.


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